Hey, I'm Jesse Farmer, a computer programmer and entrepreneur living in San Francisco, California. These are my thoughts. I hope you find them useful.
I focus on web development, user experience, and viral marketing. Send me an email!

Recent Articles
Keith Olbermann Thinks I'm an Idiot
by Jesse Farmer on Wednesday, April 11, 2012This story ends with Keith Olbermann dismissing me as "another idiot" on national television, but it begins on a Monday morning with me sitting on my brown leather IKEA couch in Palo Alto, two blocks from Facebook's then-new College Terrace office. Five months earlier I started company with Matt Humphrey, Joe Damato, and Aman Gupta called Bumba Labs.
Getting Ahead: A Letter to Myself
by Jesse Farmer on Tuesday, April 3, 2012I moved to Silicon Valley the summer of 2006, as soon as I graduated from the University of Chicago. Two college friends, Ryo Chijiiwa and Isaac Wolkerstorfer (neƩ Wasileski), asked me to join their startup OpenHive, a "social" search engine for college campuses that allowed students to search each others' bookshelves. I had no expectations. In fact, before my plane landed in San Jose, I had never even set foot in California.
The Value of a Social Commerce Referral
by Jesse Farmer on Monday, August 22, 2011At Everlane we recently shut down a side-project of ours, Indie Cases, where we were selling some pretty sweet iPhone cases. Over the month and a half that the store was live we saw some good traffic from up-and-coming social commerce sites like Svpply and Pinterest.